introvert 復習
I watched that boys’ final at Flushing Meadows 15 years ago. Murray, under-powered but immensely gifted, was as passionate and determined on the court in beating the cerebral Ukrainian Sergiy Stakhovsky as he was introverted away from it. It would be eight years before he returned to New York to win his first major, by which time he had acquired the bearing of a feared and confident champion, a fully grown man who knew his own worth.
introvert /ˈɪntrəvɜːt/ を取り上げます。vertがconvertなどに見られる「変える」の意味で、それに関する語であると予想しました。
『ジーニアス英和辞典』(第五版、大修館書店)では「(器官を)内翻させる、内向性の人、はにかみ屋、内向的な」とあります。また、LDOCEでは “someone who is quiet and shy, and does not enjoy being with other people” と定義されています。「英・語・源」を用いると、ラテン語のventere(=to turn)から来ていることが分かりました。