sputter 復習
Kuwakino also uses spices in dishes served at Satoyama Jujo, not to mention meals prepared for the staff. After the spices are dropped into the oil and allowed to sputter, edible wild plants in spring and this season's daikon radish and cauliflower go into the pot. She uses “kagura nanban,” a locally produced red pepper, for spiciness.
sputter /ˈspʌtə/ が気になりました。文脈から「はじける」になると推測しました。
『ジーニアス英和辞典』(第五版、大修館書店)では「パチパチという音をたてる、早口で言う、せきこんで言う、口ごもる、どもる」とあります。また、LDOCEでは “if something such as an engine or a fire sputters, it makes short soft uneven noises like very small explosions” “to talk quickly in short confused phrases, especially because you are angry or shocked” と定義されています。Oxford Living DictionariesをみるとLate 16th century (as a verb): from Dutch sputteren, of imitative origin.と語源がのっていました。
cf. sputtering engine