hang oneself 復習
Family seeks damages over suicide of Japanese 'farming idol'
The family of a pop group member promoting agriculture in western Japan who hanged herself in March sued officials of her talent agency for damages on Friday, claiming their harassment and overwork caused her death.
In the suit filed with the Matsuyama District Court, the family of Honoka Omoto, 16, who was a member of Ehime Prefecture-based idol group Enoha Girls, is seeking a combined 92 million yen ($819,720) from the president and three others at the agency.
hang oneself を取り上げます。直訳で考えると、自分自身を吊るすとなり、自ら首をつって命を断つという意味で用いられていると考えられます。『ライトハウス英和辞典』(第5版 研究社)で引くと「首をつる、首つり自殺をする」とありました。hangだけでも「(人)を絞首刑にする」という意味を表します。
LDOCEにはhangの語義について “to kill someone by dropping them with a rope around their neck, or to die in this way, especially as a punishment for a serious crime” と定義されており、例として “Corey hanged himself in his prison cell.” という文が取り上げられています。