emeritus 復習
Honjo was born in the city of Kyoto in 1942. He entered the Kyoto University medical school in 1960, and completed a graduate course at the university in 1971. Following study in the United States, he became a professor at Osaka University in 1979 when he was 37. He moved to the faculty of Kyoto University in 1984, and achieved a number of breakthroughs including the discovery of PD-1. He became professor emeritus at the university in 2005.
気になったのはemeritus /ɪˈmerɪtəs/ です。文脈から「名誉教授」であると推測しました。
『ジーニアス英和辞典』(第五版、大修館書店)では「名誉教授の」とあります。また、LDOCEでは “emeritus professor/director etc” の形で “a professor, director etc who is no longer working but has kept his or her previous job title as an honour” と定義されています。Oxford Living Dictionariesをみると、由来はMid 18th century: from Latin, past participle of emereri ‘earn one's discharge by service’, from e- (variant of ex-) ‘out of, from’ + mereri ‘earn’.となっています。