常時英心:言葉の森から 1.0

約10年間,はてなダイアリーで英語表現の落穂拾いを行ってきました。現在はAmeba Blogに2.0を開設し,継続中です。こちらはしばらくアーカイブとして維持します。

Calgary report

Dear Dr. Tanabe,

My days of the language school was over last Friday. I would like to explain to you two things. One is about the summer course, and the other about my new house. Let me begin by telling you about the summer course I took.

The contents of the 2018 summer intensive course were a series of discussion, because they focused on communication during that particular period. The toughest assignment was that I had to read through the novel, The Hunger Games, within a month. Therefore, the days had been busy than I expected.
I had eighteen classmates, who are from Quebec in Canada, Taiwan, Korea, Colombia, Mari, UAE, and Japan. Honestly, classes themselves were not that useful, but I had, on the whole, a fun time because of them.

I moved to a dormitory called Cascade Hall on campus two days ago, and everything is still a mess. I lived with my host family, who was very nice to stay with, and I’ll be staying here with my roommates for eight months until next April.

I have three of them; one is from China, and I don’t know the other two yet. They will come here tomorrow. In our room, there are four separated, private rooms, with one living room and kitchen combined. It looks very nice, but I need to buy a pillow, sheet, and some other stuff.

I checked textbooks that are required for my classes in a book store and was surprised at the price of them. Some of them are well over 100 C$ and bigger than those of Japanese in size. My first class as an exchange student will start on September 6. I’m sure the fall and winter terms will be much harder than the spring and summer ones; however, I’ll give it all I’ve got!!

Best regards,
