hoarding 復習
Hoarding in Japan isn’t as dark as NHK makes it out to be
Thanks to Marie Kondo, everyone knows about the Japanese art of katazuke, or “tidying up.” Kondo’s books on organizing your things and deciding what items you should throw away have been translated into numerous languages and she’s been interviewed by myriad international media outlets.
Katazuke has an evil twin called “hoarding,” an acknowledged psychological condition that describes how individuals cannot let go of possessions, no matter how inessential. The American reality show “Hoarders” has been a staple on American cable TV off-and-on for about a decade. Experts visit junk-filled homes and attempt to sort out their owners’ lives.
hoarding /ˈhɔːdɪŋ/を取り上げます。記事が片づけに関して述べられているものなので、散らかっていることを表す表現なのではないかと考えました。『ウィズダム英和辞典』を引いたところ、「蓄えること、秘蔵」とありました。また、LDOCEではhoardで“to collect and save large amounts of food, money etc, especially when it is not necessary to do so”と定義されています。いらないものを収集することをhoardingで表現するようです。(Blue Sky)