relinquish 復習
Kansai airport to give souvenirs for unwanted suitcases
Kansai International Airport will offer ballpoint pens, notebooks and other small souvenirs to travelers who turn in their unwanted suitcases instead of simply dumping them around the facility.
The free service will start on Aug. 6 with the aim of reducing the mountains of abandoned suitcases that have led to problems concerning space and security at the airport, according to Kansai Airports, the airport operator.
Many of the increasing number of foreign tourists are buying new suitcases in Japan and discarding their old ones near trash cans and other areas at the airport. Sometimes, more than 10 suitcases have been found on a single day, the airport said.
Under the new service, passengers agree to relinquish ownership of their old suitcases at baggage-check counters on the departure floor for international flights. The airport will gain possession of the suitcases and resell them through dealers.
relinquish /rɪlíŋkwɪʃ/ を取り上げます。文脈から、relinquish ownershipは所有権を放棄するという意味になるかと思いました。『ライトハウス英和辞典』(第5版 研究社)で引くと「1(地位、権利など)を譲る、譲渡する;放棄する 2(格式)(計画、習慣、希望など)を放棄する(give up) 3(格式)(…)を(手)放す、緩める」とありました。
LDOCEには “to let someone else have your position, power, or rights, especially unwillingly” と定義されています。unwillinglyという部分から、しぶしぶ譲る様子を表すことがわかります。