endearing 復習
Kokeshi beyond borders: Traditional wooden dolls with contemporary twist get fresh attention at home and abroad
Kokeshi dolls, a traditional craft of the Tohoku region, are known for their simple, endearing appearance and air of warmth. They have had a fresh spotlight on them since the 2011 Great East Japan Earthquake. The creation of dolls with contemporary, stylish touches like the pastel-hued Hagoromo series, coupled with the meticulous techniques of those who make them, has been drawing interest from people at home and abroad.
Kokeshi were originally made during the Edo period (1603-1867) as toys. They were produced across the Tohoku region, and today there are 11 distinct styles, with the differences depending on their origin. The Naruko Onsen hot spring resort, where Sakurai Kokeshi is located, is home to one of the styles.
Naruko’s production of kokeshi developed to provide souvenirs for visitors to its onsen.
However, the community has faced a declining number of visitors in recent years.
“It’s prompted us to expand our market,” said Akihiro Sakurai, 66, the fifth-generation head of Sakurai Kokeshi. He decided to develop sales channels overseas when his son Naomichi, 29, joined the family business four years ago, after leaving his company job.
気になった単語はendearing / ɪnˈdɪərɪŋ /です。親愛なるという意味でよく使用されるdearが入っていたので、愛することに関係した意味になると推測しました。
『ジーニアス英和辞典』(第五版、大修館書店)では、「かわいらしい」とありました。また、動詞形であるendear /ɪnˈdɪə/ はendear O1 to O2の形で「〈言動・性格などが〉O1をO2に慕わせる、好かれるようにする」となります。
語源について調べてみるとen- (その状態にする)とdear(敬愛する)の組み合わせで、敬愛される状態にする、つまり慕わせるとなります。
八重歯 http://d.hatena.ne.jp/A30/20120829/1346248615
cf. Terms of Endearment(米映画)