常時英心:言葉の森から 1.0

約10年間,はてなダイアリーで英語表現の落穂拾いを行ってきました。現在はAmeba Blogに2.0を開設し,継続中です。こちらはしばらくアーカイブとして維持します。

postpartum 復習



‘Because I’m a Mom’ children’s song sends vexed mothers the wrong message

What was meant to be much-needed pat on the black for mothers has done more harm than good. In Hulu’s original children’s program “Dai! Dai! Daisuke Onisan!!”, hosted by ex-NHK talent Daisuke Yokoyama,Daisuke Onisan performed a new song titles “Atashi Okasan Dakara” (“Because I’m a Mom”). Written by popular children’s book author Nobumi, the lyric go like this:


According to the writer, the song is meant to support mothers across Japan and the lyrics were based on stories he heard from real mothers. The song is not about what mothers have to sacrifice for their children, but what they are able to experience because of them, he says.
Despite his best intentions, the song went viral across the internet — not for its uplifting message, but instead for placing a “curse” on mothers.
“About the ‘Because I’m a Mom’ lyrics that everyone is talking about — if a mother sees this after giving birth, they probably would feel depressed,” Twitter user says, “It reminded me of how I developed postpartum depression when I had my firstborn because I tried too hard. … Everyone is saying the song feels like a curse, but it really is true.”



始めに、見出しのvexed/vɛkst/という単語について確認します。こちらは復習となってしまいますが、『スーパーアンカー英和辞典』(第四版、学研教育出版)では「 (古風)〈いらいらした、やっかいな、立腹した〉」と記されています。次に、postpartum /pəʊstˈpɑːtəm/ という意味について考えます。この単語は接頭辞のpost-が接続しているという点で「後ろの」という意味をもつものだと推測しました。さらに、ここでは第三者が自身の経験に基づいて、第一子出産後に訪れた鬱がいかにして広がったかを吐露する文脈であることは補足情報として十分有効であるといえます。