常時英心:言葉の森から 1.0

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face-off 復習


Fujii defeats Habu, rises to 6th dan

Sota Fujii, a 15-year-and-six-month-old professional shogi player, won the 11th Asahi Cup shogi tournament on Saturday, becoming the youngest winner in a major competition other than title matches. With the victory, Fujii was promoted to sixth dan, only 16 days after advancing to fifth dan.

Fujii defeated eighth-dan Akihito Hirose, 31, in the final match of the Asahi Cup, a “hayazashi” quick play tournament with time controls.

The youngest professional shogi player moved on to the final by beating 47-year-old shogi master Yoshiharu Habu in a semifinal held earlier on Saturday. It was the first face-off between Fujii and Habu in an official match.



 face-offを取り上げます。公式戦での戦いを表していると考えられます。『ライトハウス英和辞典』(第5版 研究社)で調べると、句動詞の “face off” で「1(主に米)対決する 2(アイスホッケー)フェイスオフで試合を開始する」とありました。

 Merriam-Websterには “a method of beginning play (as in hockey or lacrosse) in which two opponents face each other and attempt to gain control of a puck or ball dropped or placed between them” と定義されています。


face-off - 田邉祐司ゼミ 常時英心:言葉の森から