luminary 復習
Tim Minchin has segued from Donald Trump to homophobia, from race relations to nationalism. In his answer to a single question, he has woven together a stream of cohesive, progressive thought – taking in the UK, Australia and the US – before interrupting himself with a comedic double-take: “Should I go into politics?”
We are there ostensibly to discuss Squinters, an upcoming ABC TV comedy about Australian commuters created by Trent O’Donnell and Adam Zwar. The six-part show stars an ensemble cast of Australian luminaries – including Jacki Weaver, Miranda Tapsell, Sam Simmons and Andrea Demetriades – who play everyday travellers on their early morning drives to work (squinting into the sun), before each episode catches up with them on the drive back. (Skip the rest)
今回取り上げる語は、luminary / lúːmənèri / です。「ルミネ」は東日本旅客鉄道の連結子会社で東日本各地で展開されています。また西日本では震災の復興を祈る光のページェント 「神戸ルミネリア」を思い出します。まず意味を確認します。LDOCEをみると、”someone who is very famous or highly respected for their skill at doing something or their knowledge of a particular subject” 、OEDをみると、”A person who inspires or influences others, especially one prominent in a particular sphere.” と定義されています。また、『ジーニアス英和辞典』(大修館)をみると、「(1)照明灯、[文]発光体<太陽・月>、(2)権威、指導的人物、きら星」とありました。
次に語源を確認します。OEDをみると、”Late Middle English: from Old French luminarie or late Latin luminarium, from Latin lumen, lumin- ‘light’.” とありました。(OkaUchi)