embroider 復習
Cats in hats made from their own hair is new pet fashion trend
Cat hair sticks to everything and is usually one of the negative aspects of owning one of the pets, but Ryo Yamazaki and his wife Hiromi can't get enough of it.
Because from the summer of 2016, the couple from Tokyo’s Tama district have been making caps for cats out of it, and created an Internet sensation.
Cat hair is felted by applying detergent in the same way as it is done with ordinary wool. The cat molt can be used to make needle felted dolls, or used to embroider a motif on scarves.
embroider /ɪmbrˈɔɪdɚ/ を取り上げます。文脈から、スカーフなどの模様を形作るための作業であることがわかります。『ライトハウス英和辞典』(第5版 研究社)で調べると「1(…)にししゅうする;(模様など)を縫い込む 2(話など)に尾ひれをつける」とありました。名詞はembroideryで「ししゅう、縫い取り」を意味します。
LDOCEには “to decorate cloth by sewing a pattern, picture, or words on it with coloured threads” や “to make a story or report of events more interesting or exciting by adding details that are not true” と定義されています。