handpick 復習
North Korean ex-spy Kim Hyon-hui casts doubt on Kim Jong Un’s Olympic motives
Kim Hyon-hui was a 19-year-old university student in North Korea’s capital, Pyongyang, when she was handpicked to be a spy.
She trained for years before her first mission in 1987 — carry a bomb aboard a South Korean jet and blow it up. The aim was to persuade the world that South Korea was too dangerous to send Olympic athletes the following summer.
She was 25 on Nov. 29, 1987, when she boarded Korea Air Flight 858 in Baghdad and loaded her bomb into the overhead bin of the Boeing jet, and took her seat in row seven alongside her supposed father, an older North Korean agent.
handpickに注目しました。意味は文脈からも判断できますが、pickとどのように違うのかが気になったため調べてみました。『ジーニアス英和辞典』(第五版,大修館)を引いたところ、「…を厳選する,精選する」、「をお手盛りして選ぶ」、「…を手で摘む」と載っておりました。Oxford Dictionary of English(Second Edition Reserved, Oxford University Press)によると、“select carefully with a particular purpose in mind”とのことでした。