kidnapper 復習
A Democratic congressman said President Donald Trump’s key campaign promise of building a wall along the U.S.-Mexico border would be a “monumental waste of taxpayers’ money,” but Democrats should go along with it if means Republicans would agree to grant legal status to immigrants known as "Dreamers" who came to this country illegally as children.
“Next November, we’ll deal with the ‘kidnappers’ at the election, at the polls,” Gutierrez said.
Cambridge Dictionaryでkidnapの定義を確認したとこ“to take a person away illegally by force, usually in order to demand money in exchange for releasing them”とありました。誘拐といえばabductionがあります。こちらも定義は“to take someone away by force”とありました。明らかなのはお金目的かそうでないかで使い分けされるようです。
補足ですがcatnapで「うたた寝」という意味がありました。(Kiwi girl)