multiplex 復習
Beloved theater in Nagano keeps the reels rolling after 100 years
The Nagano Aioi-za Roxy, believed to be Japan’s oldest movie theater, marked its 100th anniversary in December.
Beloved by the townsfolk, the cinema has been showing a unique choice of films instead of the usual movie premieres on its three screens for 365 days a year.
The old-fashioned wooden structure, with 512 seats and a brick-colored ticket booth, was built as a playhouse in 1892, 25 years before it was turned into a movie theater.
In 1917, the predecessor of Nagano Eiga Kogyo, the cinema’s current operating company, was founded.
A multiplex opened in the city in 2006, and long-established movie theaters started closing down.
multiplex /mˈʌltəplèks/ を取り上げます。複数のものを意味する接頭辞のmultiが含まれており、何かの建物を表しています。『ライトハウス英和辞典』(第5版 研究社)で調べると「多彩な、複合の」や「複合型映画館、シネマ・コンプレックス(同じビル内に複数の映画館がある)」などの意味が見つかりました。
LDOCEには “a cinema that has several different rooms in which it can show films” と定義されています。イギリス英語では “multiplex cinema” の形になるようです。