tapeworm 復習
Raw deal: sushi-loving California man discovers 5ft 6in tapeworm
A California man’s daily sushi habit ended in a trip to hospital with a stomach-churning item to show doctors: a 5ft tapeworm that “wiggled” out of his body.
Fresno emergency department doctor Kenny Banh told the Guardian he was skeptical when the man walked in to his hospital, asking for treatment for a worm.
But when the patient opened a plastic bag, the “giant” parasite was inside, wrapped around a toilet roll.
tapewormを取り上げます。『ジーニアス英和辞典』(第五版,大修館)を引いたところ、「サナダムシ,条虫」と載っておりました。Oxford Dictionary of English (2th) には、“a parasitic flatworm, the adult of which lives in the intenstines.”と定義されております。
上記英和辞典に、tapewormは “Cestoda”つまり「扁形動物門条虫綱」の総称とのことで、特にサナダムシ類 “Taenia”を指すと書かれております。