wiggle room
Japan Takes Steps To Have Video Games In The 2024 Olympics
That said, the ruling party – currently ran by Prime Minister Shinzo Abe – is considering taking further steps to amend laws, making it possible for professional video game players to make a living through esports in Japan. The ultimate goal, lawmaker Takeo Kawamura said, is to one day make it possible for professional video game players to win Olympic medals.
“If we need more legal wiggle room to hold tournaments, we can use a special law or other provisions as needed,” Kawamura told Bloomberg. “Once we have a gold medalist like, say, Daichi Suzuki, then people will begin to see [video games are also a sport].”
wiggle roomに注目しました。以前にwiggleのみの意味はブログで取り上げられたことがあったのですが、roomが付くことにより違った意味合いになるようです。『ジーニアス英和辞典』(第五版,大修館)を引いたところ、米俗で「逃げ道,釈明の余地」と載っておりました。Oxford Dictionary of English(Second Edition Reserved, Oxford University Press)によると、 “limited capacity or scope for negotiation operation, especially in order to modify a previous statement or dicision”とのことでした。
インターネットで調べたところ、1970年後半から使われ始めた表現であることが分かりました。(https://www.phrases.org.uk/bulletin_board/29/messages/251.html) (Gomez)