on the cusp 復習
Donald Trump got perfect score on cognitive test, says doctor
President Donald Trump performed “exceedingly well” on a surprise cognitive screening test administered last week, his doctor said on Tuesday, as the White House continued to bat back questions about the President’s mental fitness for office.
Navy doctor Ronny Jackson, who administered Mr. Trump’s first presidential physical last week, said Mr. Trump received a perfect score on a test designed to detect early signs of memory loss and other mild cognitive impairment. He also reported the 6-foot-3 President weighed in at 239 pounds three pounds heavier than he was in September 2016, the last time Mr. Trump revealed his weight to the public. That number puts Mr. Trump on the cusp but just under the obesity mark.
“on the cusp”を取り上げます。“cusp”を『ウィズダム英和辞典』で引いたところ、「(一般に)起点;境目」とありました。LDOCEには“on the cusp”で“someone who was born on the cusp was born near the time when one star sign ends and another begins”と定義されていました。しかし、今回の記事ではこの意味で使われているのではなさそうです。そこでインターネットで検索をかけたところ、「英辞郎 on the WEB」に「〜の最前線で、〜の変わり目で」とありました。体重の話をしているところで使われており、“on the cusp”は健康の基準値を超えてしまう「一歩手前」「予備軍」「ボーダーライン手前」あたりになると思います。(Blue Sky)