careen 復習
Representatives of a bus company, passengers, relatives and friends of victims of a fatal bus crash on Monday marked the second anniversary of the accident that claimed the lives of 13 passengers and two drivers in Karuizawa, Nagano Prefecture, on Jan 15, 2016.
All passengers killed were university students; 26 others were injured. The group which gathered Monday included students who survived the crash and the bus company president, as well as the mayor of Karuizawa and other officials. They placed flowers at the site of the accident and prayed for the deceased, Fuji TV reported.
The charter bus from Tokyo careened off a road while traveling downhill in Karuizawa, killing 13 students, the 65-year-old driver and a relief driver.
careen /kəríːn/ を取り上げます。上記が、ガードレールをなぎ倒し道から逸れて道路脇へ転落した事件であることを知っていたので意味は予測できました。『ジーニアス英和辞典』を引くと「〈車が〉(左右に)揺れながら疾走する(+along, down, over, around)」「〈船が〉(風などで)傾く」とありました。
つづいて『英辞郎on the WEB』で調べるとcareen off a road intoで「道を離れて〜に突っ込む」とありました。Cambridge Dictionaryでは“to go forward quickly while moving from side to side”と定義されています。(Kiwi girl)