low-res (lo-res) 復習
Baidu sets its sights on Japan with a voice-enabled projector in a dome light
The Raven H, too, is similarly unusual in that it looks like a stack of LEGO bricks, but with a thin, removable top that functions as a standalone voice assistant with a touch-enabled, highly low-res screen on top.
That removable display also fits on the even odder Raven R, which is a robot with an articulated arm that can dance to your music and, the company told me, locate you in space and always aim its microphone in your direction as you move around the room. There seems to be more to this, but the Raven R isn’t quite ready for prime time yet and won’t go on sale until later this year.
low-res (lo-res)が気になったため、調べました。『ジーニアス英和辞典』(第五版,大修館)を引いたところ、 「〈ディスプレイ・画像が〉解像度の小さい」と載っておりました。Oxford Dictionary of English (2th)では、 “(of a display or an image) showing a small amount of detail”と書かれております。元はlow-resolutionで、これを短縮したものです。
上記の意味が主ですが、『リーダーズ英和辞典』には、口語で「パッとしない,さえない」や「鈍感な,まぬけな」、「お粗末な,不快な」などとも定義されております。また反対語はhigh-res (hi-res)で、「高解像度の」の他に、「とてもいい,満足な,気持ちのいい」などの意味を持ちます。(Gomez)