potpourri 復習
In 1968, diptyque composed its first eau de toilette, L’Eau, inspired by a 16th-century potpourri recipe and the scent of pomanders.
New creations followed: eaux de parfums, roll-ons, and a rare vinaigre de toilette. For 40 years, diptyque has been developing a sophisticated collection of personal fragrances giving it a clear, distinctive signature.
Over the course of the House’s history, an unusual olfactory landscape has been formed. Guided by a fragrance legacy as broad as it is deep, diptyque continues to pursue olfactory creation unmatched in the palette of classical perfumery, blending scents to be worn by man or woman.
potpourri/ˌpoʊpʊˈriː/を「goo辞書」 で調べてみると、1「香壺,ポプリ:バラなどの花の干した花弁を香料と共に混合したもの」2「ポプリ,混成曲,接続曲(musical medley)」3「文学作品抜粋集,名作さわり集」4「(特に,相互に無関係なものの)寄せ集め;雑録,雑感(miscellany)」5「〔料理の〕ごった煮」といったいくつかの記載がありました。
さらにLDOCEで調べてみると"a mixture of things that are not usually put together, for example different pieces of music or writing"とも記載がありました。
例文には potpurri ofで"a potpourri of literary styles"や"a potpourri of religious ideas"のように用いられる事もあるようで、 同様にgoo辞書 英和和英 で"My students are delightful potpurri of all ages and colors."「種々多様」といった意味で使用されていました。(Momo)