casket 復習
WatchCongresswoman says Trump made insensitive comment to service member's widow
President Donald Trump today denied telling the widow of a fallen U.S. soldier "he knew what he signed up for" in a phone call he made Tuesday, contradicting a Florida congresswoman who said she was with the woman at the time.
La David Johnson died earlier this month in Niger when he was ambushed by militants believed to be linked to ISIS. His pregnant widow broke down in tears hugging his casket Tuesday as it was unloaded from the airplane.
casket/kˈæskɪt/を取り上げます。『ジーニアス英和辞典』によると「(宝石などを入れる)小箱、ひつぎ」とありました。また、coffinの遠回しの語と書かれていたのでそちらも確認してみると、a nail in O’s in coffinで「…を納棺する;密閉する」となることがわかりました。さらにLDOCEでcasketは”a small decorated box in which you keep jewelry and other valuable objects”と定義されていました。語源はイタリア語の「小箱」の意です。
(Kiwi girl)