guesstimate 復習
People mapping linked to phones will aid disaster management
If there's a disaster, it's a good idea to know where everyone is.
NTT Docomo Inc. has developed technology to guesstimate how many people are in any one place in Japan at a given moment.
This could prove to be an indispensable tool to saving lives as Japan is often hit by earthquakes, tsunami, typhoons and other natural calamities.
NTT Docomo basically covered Japan in a grid of squares, each measuring 250 or 500 meters per side, in order to pull off this world-first in complex guesswork.
An artificial intelligence (AI) system then reads data showing which cellphone base station each mobile device is nearest to.
The technology will allow people to be rescued and guided along evacuation routes more efficiently in the event of disasters, company officials said.
guesstimateを取り上げます。guessとestimateが合わさってできた言葉だと予想しました。『ライトハウス英和辞典』(第5版 研究社)で引くと「(略式)推測での見積もり、当て推量」や「(…)を推測で見積もる、当て推量する」とありました。LDOCEには “an attempt to judge a quantity by guessing it” と定義されています。
記事には “guesstimate how many people are in any one place in Japan at a given moment” とあることから、人がずっと一つの場所に留まっているわけではないことを考えて、その時々のおおよその数を予想で見積もるということがguesstimateを用いることで表されていると思いました。(aqua)