sweltering 復習
Florida man faces charges after baby dies in hot bedroom
A Florida man faces charges after his 8-month-old son died while being kept in a sweltering bedroom with no air conditioning.
The Tampa Bay Times reports that 25-year-old William Francis Hendrickson was told by authorities the day before to keep his children in another room.
The baby died on Thursday after being kept in a mobile home bedroom in Largo that was 109 degrees when police arrived.
Authorities say the baby's body temperature was 105.6 degrees. Hendrickson's 2-year-old daughter had to be treated for dehydration.
The children's mother was arrested days earlier on a battery charge.
County child protection investigators did a welfare check on Thursday and told Hendrickson not to leave the children in the bedroom.
He faces charges of aggravated child neglect and aggravated manslaughter.
取り上げる単語は"sweltering"です。"sweat"「汗をかく」から連想しやすいと思いますが、改めて『ジーニアス英和辞典』第4版(大修館)で調べてみると、"swelter"で「(人が)蒸し暑さで苦しむ」とあり、本文では"ing"を付けて形容詞で使われています。LDOCEでは、"extremely hot and uncomfortable"と定義されており、男の子が寝ていた寝室はとても蒸し暑かったことが分かります。また、調べによると、その時の男の子の体温は40度以上あったとのことです。(Akim)