常時英心:言葉の森から 1.0

約10年間,はてなダイアリーで英語表現の落穂拾いを行ってきました。現在はAmeba Blogに2.0を開設し,継続中です。こちらはしばらくアーカイブとして維持します。



Regulating Japan’s smoking-hells

Among Tokyo’s many idiosyncrasies is the fact that while anti-smoking laws on the streets leave sidewalks devoid of cigarette stubs, the inside of restaurants and bars are a passive smoking-hell, stuffed with people lighting up on repeat. Attempts to pass a law banning indoor smoking earlier this year were scuppered by Japan’s ruling Liberal Democratic Party (LDP), despite the Ministry of Health’s efforts and warnings. In a report last year, the Ministry estimated that 15,000 people die from passive smoking-related diseases annually and that second-hand smoke costs 323.3 billion yen in health care per year. This despite the fact that the number of smokers has been declining and currently comprises under 20% of the population.



 idiosyncrasy /ˌɪdɪə(ʊ)ˈsɪŋkrəsi/ に注目しました。連想しようとしたのですが、お手上げでした。

 『ジーニアス英和辞典』(第五版,大修館)で調べたところ、「(個人や集団好み・動作・意見などの)特異性,性癖;(その人)特有の表現法;風変わりな言動」などと載っておりました。Oxford Dictionary of English(Second Edition Reserved, Oxford University Press)では、 “a mode of behavior or way of thought peculiar to an individual”と書かれております。
