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Zoo report: Giraffe died of broken neck

A young giraffe that died at a Pennsylvania zoo last month suffered a broken neck after it leaned into an adjoining stall and was injured by his father, authorities said.

The blow over Memorial Day weekend at the Lehigh Valley Zoo left Ernie with its neck between the bars of a human catwalk high on a wall separating the stalls, and the 6-year-old Masai giraffe was beyond saving, The (Allentown) Morning Call (http://bit.ly/2uaOXIL ) reported.

Zoo president and CEO Melissa Borland released a report Friday with the details of the death. The Association of Zoos and Aquariums is reviewing it.

Officials said Ernie had been removed from his father, 16-year-old Murphy, after displaying aggressive behavior on May 27, a day after arriving from the Kansas City Zoo.



 『ジーニアス英和辞典』第4版(大修館)で調べてみると、「…に隣接する、…の隣にある」や「隣り合う」という意味がありました。形容詞の"adjoining"は「隣り合った、つながっている」となります。つまり、隣接してる売店に寄りかかって首を怪我したことが分かりますLDOCEでは、"a room, building, or piece of land that adjoins something is next to it and connected to it"と表現されています。
