記事の中で気になった単語は"transmoogrify"です。『Wisdom英和辞典第三版』(三省堂)には「⦅しばしばおどけて⦆ (魔法などで) <人を> を化けさせる[変える]」などという意味がありました。同地域はイスラム教徒が大半を占める地域です。(Ume)
Marawi: Foreign fighters 'among militants in Philippine city'
Mindanao is home to several Muslim rebel groups fighting for greater autonomy. The main ones are now holding peace talks with the government but some smaller, more hardline groups remain active.
Links between some of these groups and those from Indonesia and Malaysia go back many years, predating the formation of IS.
But Mr Calida, the solicitor-general, said domestic rebels had subscribed to the ideology of IS and the situation was evolving.
"What is happening in Mindanao is no longer a rebellion of Filipino citizens. It has transmogrified into an invasion by foreign fighters," he told a news conference. "They want to make Mindanao part of the caliphate."