get up #3
See what Dan Stevens looks like without CGI in ‘Beauty and the Beast’
Gaston and the townspeople certainly wouldn't be calling the beast in "Beauty and the Beast" a terrifying monster if they could see him sans CGI.
In order to ensure the beast moved and reacted like a real live creature, Stevens was decked out in a hilariously stiff Lycra motion capture suit, an addition to acting he calls "an extra level of weird that you have to deal with."
In order to make him appear as beast-like as possible, and to ensure Emma Watson had something accurate to act opposite, Stevens also added stilts and extra padding to the get-up, which looked less fairy tale creature and more crash test dummy.
気になった表現は“get up”です。
“get up”といえば「起きる」が最初に出てきましたが『ジーニアス英和辞典』(第五版、大修館書店)では「(英略式)扮装する」とありました。
LDOCEでも“be got up as/in something”で“to be dressed in particular clothes”と定義されています。
撮影シーンの動画を見てみると、「野獣」のCG加工のためのスーツやリアルな動きを表現するために丸い輪っかのようなものを足裏に付けていました。最新技術の進歩と実際の姿と似つかない格好をしていても役を演じる役者さんたちの演技力も感じました。(flying bird)