常時英心:言葉の森から 1.0

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big tent


‘Silence of the Lambs’ director Demme dies

NEW YORK (Reuters) — Jonathan Demme, the eclectic movie director whose work ranged from thrillers like “The Silence of the Lambs” to documentaries on leading musicians, died early on Wednesday of complications from esophageal cancer, his publicist said.
The 73-year-old director of groundbreaking AIDS movie “Philadelphia” died in his Manhattan apartment surrounded by his wife, Joanne Howard, and three children, publicist Annalee Paulo said in a statement.
Demme’s most recent feature film was the 2015 comedy “Ricki and the Flash,” starring Meryl Streep as an aging rocker.
Streep called him a “big hearted, big tent, compassionate man — in full embrace in his life of people in need,” in a statement on Wednesday.


 “big tent”を取りあげます。
 Oxford Living Dictionariesでは“Used in reference to a political party’s policy of permitting or encouraging a broad spectrum of views among its members.”と定義されていることから政治用語のようです。
ジーニアス英和辞典』(第五版、大修館書店)で“big tent”を調べてみると「来るものは拒まずの集団(主義)」とありました。