in a frame of mind
Shopping mall makes new start in Miyagi Pref. town
A shopping mall threw open its doors on elevated land in the tsunami-hit town of Minamisanriku, Miyagi Prefecture, on Friday, making a fresh start after operations at a makeshift facility.
Many people, including tourists and those affected by the March 2011 earthquake and tsunami, visited the mall, Minamisanriku Sun Sun Shopping Village, to the delight of emotional shop owners.
After the disaster, the mall reopened at a makeshift facility in February 2012, surrounded by debris from the tsunami that engulfed the Pacific coastal town.
“Despite anxieties, I plan to work in a positive frame of mind,” Takekazu Abe, the 52-year-old owner of a confectionery shop, said. “I hope the new mall will bring smiles to both store owners and customers.”
“in a frame of mind” を取り上げます。『ライトハウス英和辞典』(第5版 研究者)では「…な気分で、…な気持ちで」とありました。例として “He was in a happy frame of mind at the dinner.” で「彼は晩餐のときは楽しい気分だった。」と載っており、…の部分には気持ちを表すことばとしてhappyが用いられています。
LDOCEには “state/frame of mind” で “the way someone is thinking and feeling at a particular time” と定義されており、 “in a good/positive/relaxed etc frame of mind” などの言い回しがあることがわかりました。
記事の本文では、“Despite anxieties, I plan to work in a positive frame of mind,” と述べられており、心配もあるけれど前向きな気持ちで頑張っていこうという思いであることが伺えます。過去には似た形の表現 “be in the mindframe of “ が取り上げられています。(aqua)