dodgy 復習
Yakuza boss sent to prison after dodgy diagnosis kept him free
KYOTO--Police searched a hospital here for evidence that doctors falsified medical documents that allowed an organized crime boss to avoid prison for almost 19 months.
The yakuza leader, Yoshiyuki Takayama, 60, whose eight-year sentence for extortion was finalized by the Supreme Court in June 2015, was finally put behind bars on Feb. 14.
Police the same day searched the offices of the hospital affiliated with the Kyoto Prefectural University of Medicine as well as the university itself in connection with a medical diagnosis that said Takayama was too sick to be confined.
LDOCEでは、"seeming to be false, dishonest, or not to be trusted"と定義されています。
"dodgy"には他にも「<状況・計画などが>危なっかしい、不安定な」という意味があります。ちなみに、“dodgy”は動詞の“dodge”の形容詞形です。“dodge”は「かわす」という意味がよく知られていますが、「ごまかす、はぐらかす」といった意味もあります。その意味を知っていれば2つの単語の関係は分かると思います。(Blue Sky)