toothless 復習
Tumult clouds 1-yr countdown
When Pyeongchang was awarded the 2018 Olympics six years ago, many South Koreans felt that the first Winter Games on home snow would herald their entry into the top tier of rich nations.
One year before the Olympics, however, the country is in political disarray, and winter sports are the last thing on many people’s minds. To say that South Koreans are distracted from what had been billed as a crowning sports achievement is an understatement.
After protests that saw millions take to the streets, South Korea’s president, toppled from power, languishes in her mountainside palace as a court ponders whether to approve her impeachment and trigger early elections. A toothless prime minister, thrust into leadership by the country’s biggest corruption scandal in recent memory, struggles with huge economic, social and diplomatic tensions.
今回取り上げるのはtoothlessです。直訳で考えると、歯のない状態のように思われますが、今回はどのような意味で用いられているのでしょうか。『ライトハウス英和辞典』(第5版 研究社)で調べると、形容詞で「歯のない」とありました。他の意味を電子辞書内蔵の『ジーニアス英和辞典』(第4版 大修館書店)で調べると、「(組織、規則などが)効力がない、力がない」という意味が見つかりました。今回はこちらの意味で用いられていると考えられます。
LDOCEでは “someone who is toothless has no teeth” や “an organization that is toothless has no power to make people obey its rules” と定義されております。