First on the White House agenda – the collapse of the global order. Next, war?
Both these shifts would be damaging enough, but the combination is a true menace. It’s not just that Trump’s proposed EU envoy actively looks forward to the unravelling of the EU, hoping it goes the way of the Soviet Union. It’s that Trump sees multilateral cooperation as a limp-wristed strategy for losers, preferring to make bilateral deals that work for him. That triggers a Darwinian scramble, in which every nation looks out only for itself – and damn the arrangements that previously held the world together.
さらに英語の定義を見てみると,Cambridge Dictionaryには,“used to describe a man who does not behave in the strong and determined way traditionally expected in men”と“offensive used to describe a man who seems, by his manner, to be gay”の二つの定義がありました。日本語の語義と特に差異はないようです。
“a limp-wristed strategy for losers”と本文にあるように,かなり侮辱していることが分かります。あまり使うべきではない表現と思われます。(Nao)