常時英心:言葉の森から 1.0

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pre-fabricated 復習


More Than 120 Injured in Fire at Philippines Factory Complex

More than 120 workers, including two Japanese, were injured and at least one was missing in a fire at a huge factory south of the Philippine capital that sent thousands of employees running to safety, an official said Thursday.

The fire at House Technology Industries was under control but had not been fully extinguished nearly 24 hours after it started in General Trias town in Cavite province south of Manila, Gov. Jesus Crispin Remulla said.

Firefighters hoped to enter and inspect the gutted factory, which occupies six hectares (15 acres) of land, later Thursday.

About four of the injured remained in critical condition, Remulla told reporters, adding that some employees jumped from windows to escape the blaze at the three-story building, where pre-fabricated house parts are manufactured for export to Japan.




LDOCEでは"built from parts which are made in standard sizes so that they can be put together anywhere"と表現されていました。

ここでは"pre-fabricated house parts"で「組み立て式の家の部品」つまり、「建築資材」という意味になります。



fabric(解答) - 田邉祐司ゼミ 常時英心:言葉の森から
flat-pack - 田邉祐司ゼミ 常時英心:言葉の森から