claustrophobic 復習
Why Japanese people are wrapping themselves up in cloth
"The reason why Otonamaki was invented was because some people were worried about babies struggling or feeling claustrophobic while being wrapped up," says Orie
Matsuo of Kyoko Proportion, one of several companies that offer Otonamaki to its customers.
"We thought if adults were rolled up like them, they could experience how good it feels."
And if customer feedback is anything to go by, Otonamaki is certainly proving successful.
Oxford Dictionary of English (Second Edition Reserved, Oxford University Press)によると、 “suffering from claustrophobia”とのことでした。claustrophobiaは “extreme or irrational fear of confined places”と定義されております。
語源はラテン語のclaustrumという “lock, bolt”を意味する単語だそうです。それに「恐怖症」などを表すphobiaが語尾につきます。
今回の記事内では “feeling claustrophobic”と使用されているため、「狭苦しく感じる」のように解釈できるかと思います。(Gomez)