常時英心:言葉の森から 1.0

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money mule

 今回取り上げたい表現は見出しに出てきた"money mule"です。『Wisdom英和辞典第三版』(三省堂)やOxford Dictionaries.comを調べても意味が出てきませんでした。ネット検索で出てきたSafe interbanking.beのサイトによると"money mule"とは"Money mules are people who serve as intermediaries for criminals and criminal organisations. Whether or not they are aware of it, they transport fraudulently gained money to fraudsters."とあります。「不正な送金を行う人」のことを指すようです。犯罪だと意識しているか否かを問わず,不正な送金をした人を意味するようです。今回の記事で登場する"money mules"はほぼ間違いなく犯罪と知りつつ送金を行っております。(Ume)

Meet the 'money mules' of India's cash crisis

The Indian government's surprise decision to ban 500 and 1,000 rupee notes overnight in a crackdown on corruption, has impacted 86% of the money circulating in the country's largely cash economy. But some enterprising Indians are seeing opportunity amid this cash crisis, reports the BBC's Vikas Pandey.
"Are you looking to make your money legal?" a young man says, approaching me as I walk to a bank in Noida, a suburban area of Delhi.
"It's very easy and we can finish our transaction right here, now are you interested?"
Mukesh Kumar, 28, is not standing in the long queue outside the doors to the bank.
He is one among many of India's 'money mules' who have found ways to benefit from the cash crunch.


mule - 田邉祐司ゼミ 常時英心:言葉の森から