常時英心:言葉の森から 1.0

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quirky 復習


Twitter kills quirky, beloved Vine video app

You can watch any video for six seconds, played on an infinite loop. The funniest ones only get more ridiculous with repetition. That was the beauty of Vine, the simple pioneering mobile video app that Twitter has decided to kill off.

Its loyal users are mourning its weirdness, humor and creativity-boosting constraints.

There are alternatives, but none as simple as Vine, which did just one thing and did it well. Instagram has photos and videos of all sorts. Snapchat keeps expanding features, and it isn’t really meant for mindless scrolling of humorous content. Facebook, well, we all know Facebook.

Vine’s demise is a story of what happens when a cool but money-losing service fails to take off with the masses amid competition from heavyweight rivals.




ジーニアス英和辞典』(第5版)を参照してみると「奇妙な、風変わりな」と記されておりWord Reference comには"odd, peculiar, or strange"と定義されていました。


put his stamp on~ - 田邉祐司ゼミ 常時英心:言葉の森から