常時英心:言葉の森から 1.0

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yolk 復習


Top 5 foods to boost your child's brainpower

Now school has started again, it’s the perfect time to start thinking about the best foods to help concentration. We’re all aware of the importance of enough fruit and vegetables, but what else can we offer our children to optimise their chances of having a good day at school? Here are my top five foods to include in your child’s diet weekly, from 12 months of age:

Children’s brains are developing at a significant rate, especially for the first years of their life. Choline is a very important vitamin that plays an integral role in this, as it is vital for the creation of memory cells deep within the brain. Rich in choline, the yolk of an egg almost meets the daily needs of children up to eight years. Egg are also high in protein and contain iron, folate and vitamin A – all of which are important for growth, repair and development of cells. So encourage your kids to eat eggs regularly, unless they are allergic.
Oily fish

Rich in omega-3 which is vital for brain development and health, oily fish has so many benefits. Omega-3 fatty acids are essential components of the building blocks needed for cell development. Certain types of omega-3 fats are the most abundant fat found in the brain and some studies have shown they may help manage behavioural problems due to their role in neurotransmitter function. Other studies have linked poorer reading ability with low levels of omega-3 and supplementation was linked to improved memory function.
Oats, cereals & wholegrain breads

Packed with carbohydrates, wholegrains provide essential glucose and energy to fuel the brain. They are also full of B-vitamins, which nourish a healthy nervous system. Numerous studies have shown that a breakfast filled with wholegrains improves short-term memory and attention, when compared with refined carbohydrates or no morning meal at all. Wholegrains are found in oats, granary breads, rye, wild rice, quinoa and buckwheat. Wholegrain foods are also high in fibre, which regulates glucose supply into the body.

High in protein and packed with vitamins and minerals, beans are an excellent food choice for your kids. Kidney and pinto beans contain more omega-3 fats than other beans which we know are important for brain growth and function. Not only do they release energy slowly which keeps them filled with energy, it will help them concentrate in the classroom if they’re enjoyed at lunch time.
Milk, yogurt & cheese

Milk, yogurt and cheese are so nutritious and are packed with protein and B-vitamins which are essential for growth of brain tissue, neurotransmitters and enzymes which all play an important role in the brain. Another benefit is these foods are high in calcium which is vital for growth of strong and healthy teeth and bones. Children have different requirements for calcium depending on their age, but you should aim to include two to three calcium-rich sources a day. For more information about calcium requirements, click here.



LDOCEでは"the yellow part in the center of an egg"と表現されておりました。


因みに「白身」は単純に"white"と表し、"separate an egg into yolk and white"で「卵を黄身と白身に分ける」という意味になります。(Akim)