laugh off
laugh off
Obama Laughs Off Trump, Brexit Comparisons
President Obama cautioned against “hysteria” over the U.K.’s decision to exit the European Union, while also declining to draw strong parallels between the so-called Brexit vote and the political rise of presumptive Republican nominee Donald Trump.
"Mr. Trump embodies global elites and has taken full advantage of it his entire life," Obama said in an interview with NPR, laughing when asked about Trump’s saying that U.S. voters will have a chance to reject “the global elite” in the November election.
"So, he's hardly a spokesperson, a legitimate spokesperson for a populist surge of working-class people on either side of the Atlantic."
取り上げる表現は、見出しにある"laugh off"です。
またこれは、"laugh away"と同じ意味であるとのことで、同辞書で調べてみると、「(…を)絶え間なく笑う、(心配、話など)を笑い飛ばす、一笑に付す」や「(時)を笑いながら過ごす」と載っていました。offやawayの意味合いをふまえると、なるほどと納得しました。