常時英心:言葉の森から 1.0

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time-honored 復習


Big-cup tea ceremony held at Nara temple

People sipped tea out of unusually large cups in a ceremony at a Buddhist temple in Japan's ancient capital of Nara.

The time-honored event took place on Saturday at Saidaiji temple.

Legend has it that a Buddhist priest began the tradition nearly 780 years ago to pray for the good health of locals. Tea leaves were valuable at the time.

In the ceremony, a monk whipped the tea with an oversize whisk, 35-centimeters long. The tea was poured into cups about 30 centimeters in diameter, and weighing around 7 kilograms.

Some participants needed help in holding their cups.

A high school student who participated said she enjoyed the ceremony as she does not usually drink tea from such a big vessel.

The Saidaiji priests stage the event 3 times a year. The current round continues through Sunday.



Dictionary.comには、"revered or respected because of antiquity and long continuance”と定義されていました。

「大茶盛」は鎌倉時代から続く催しで、年に3回行われています。無病息災を祈り、お茶を味わう行事だそうです。お茶は日本人として親しみ深いものなので、一度は参加してみたいなと思いました。(Blue Sky)

純和風結婚 中国人に人気 - 田邉祐司ゼミ 常時英心:言葉の森からほか多数