clear one’s name
アメリカの名門大学Yell Universityのバスケットボール部キャプテンが大学を退学させられたことが波紋を呼んでいます。記事はCNNからの引用です。
今回採り上げるのはclear one’s nameという表現。clearというと「片付ける」という意味がすぐに想起される単語ですが,その他に「〈人〉の潔白を証明する」という意味があり,clear one's name(汚名をそそぐ)のように,この意味ではnameを目的語にとります(『プログレッシブ英和中辞典』小学館)。英英辞書にもto prove that someone is not guilty of something(LDOCE)とありました。
Source: Yale basketball captain expelled after sexual allegation
(CNN)The captain of the Yale men's basketball team was expelled from the Ivy League school after facing a university-led investigation into a sexual misconduct allegation, a source told CNN on Thursday.
CNN has learned from a source close to Jack Montague that, according to Montague, he had a consensual sexual relationship with another student in 2014. A year later, in fall 2015, Montague was summoned to appear before Yale's University-Wide Committee on Sexual Misconduct.
…The allegation against Montague sparked a recent protest on Yale's campus calling for greater awareness and action on issues related to sexual assault.
An attorney for the family of Montague -- who didn't play the final eight games of the regular season -- was not available for comment in response to an inquiry from CNN on Thursday.
Blake Thomson, a childhood friend of Montague's who also attends Yale, told CNN on Thursday that Montague's only goal right now is to clear his name.
Both the New Haven and Yale police departments have said there are no complaints or investigations into Montague.