reach the boiling point
Thousands protest in Okinawa over alleged rape by U.S. serviceman
NAHA — Thousands of people gathered near the building site of a new U.S. military base in Okinawa on Monday to protest the alleged rape of a female tourist by a U.S. serviceman.
About 2,500 people protested in front of the U.S. Marine Corps’ Camp Schwab in Nago, according to organizers of the gathering. In parts of the base in Nago’s Henoko coastal area, Japan is building a replacement facility for the Marines’ Air Station Futenma in Ginowan, also in Okinawa.
Sachiko Kudeken, a 64-year-old woman who participated in the protest with her 1-year-old grandchild, said a sense of anger among the people of Okinawa has reached a “boiling point.”
今回取り上げるのは、“reach the boiling point”という表現です。“boiling point”と聞くと「沸点」を連想します。沸点とは、簡単に言うと「液体が沸騰し始める時の温度」のことです。このことを踏まえて、LDOCEでこの表現を調べてみると、“a point where people can no longer deal calmly with a problem (cf. flashpoint)”と定義されていました。したがって、“reach the boiling point”で「(溜まりにたまった怒りが)忍耐の限界に達する、沸点に達する」を意味しており、「怒りが爆発する限界点」が液体の沸点に例えられています。(ninetails)