常時英心:言葉の森から 1.0

約10年間,はてなダイアリーで英語表現の落穂拾いを行ってきました。現在はAmeba Blogに2.0を開設し,継続中です。こちらはしばらくアーカイブとして維持します。

deity 復習


Learning secret of business success from Kanda Myojin

Kanda Myojin shrine is constantly visited by business people praying for their companies’ success. The deity enshrined there is believed to be a guardian of Tokyo’s business districts, including Otemachi and Nihonbashi.

It is also known as the main tutelary deity for the town of Edo, the predecessor of today’s Tokyo. Merchants have long felt close to the shrine and still do today, hoping to make their dreams come true. It was flooded with people during the recent New Year’s period, people who came to pray for economic recovery.

But the god of business might be deeply puzzled by a new type of worshiper who has recently appeared. Kanda Myojin sits close to the Akihabara district, known as the “hobby capital” for pop culture geeks around the world, making it a holy site for subculture fans as well.



“deity” /déɪəṭi/ を取り上げます。まずはその語義から確認していきましょう。Merriam-Websterには”a god or goddess”とあり,『ジーニアス英和辞典第三版』で索引すると「1.神、女神 2.神位、神格、神性 3.創造主、神 4.この上なく善(強力)だと考えられる人」とあります。また、動詞としては”deify”「1.を神に祭る、神にする 2.神として崇拝する 3.を理想化する」があります。合わせて確認しておきましょう。

さて、神と聞くと”god”と連想してしまいがちですが、この二つの単語にはどのような使い分けはあるのでしょう。調べていくとDifference Between.infoに”God and deity are synonymous. According to their basic definitions, they both represent a supreme power.

However, sometimes God as a term is used to represent the only supreme power, whereas deity can be used to refer to any of the forms of this supreme power and thus can be multiple in number. God is generally used in context to male gods, whereas deity can be used to refer to both god and goddess (female gods).”と記載されているのをみつけました。”god”は一神教、”deity”は多神教という使い分けがなされるようです。キリスト教は前者、仏教や新道は後者という具合ですね。とはいえ、” these words are often used as synonyms and thus are often used interchangeably.”との記載もあることですし、神経質になる必要もないかもしれません。(あいづ)


job, meet their maker, brimstone and fire - 田邉祐司ゼミ 常時英心:言葉の森から