leg kick
MLB scouts cast eye over Samurai Japan stars at Premier 12
Just like the World Baseball Classic, the Premier 12 served as a stage for major league scouts to get the measure of players.
Many were seen in their seats holding their radar guns behind the home plate at games in Taiwan and Japan.
“The Premier 12 is a great way to see all the players in one spot,” said one scout. “It makes it very efficient for us.”
Yet there’s one thing that concerned the scouts about the Japanese hitters: their high leg kicks.
“There are always some questions about what swings will translate and have success in the major leagues,” the second scout said. “Sakamoto and some others have a big leg kick as part of their swing. It’s not to say that it won’t work against American pitching, but there’s always a little uncertainty.”
今回取り上げるのは、“leg kick”という表現です。“kick”と聞くと、サッカーやラグビーなど「足を前に蹴り込む」イメージを思い浮かべます。しかし、“leg kick”は野球でバッターが打撃の際にタイミングを合わせるなどの目的で行う「足上げ」の動作を意味しています。