23 October 2015 – Marking the 70th anniversary of the Organization ahead of UN Day on 24 October, Secretary-GeneralBan Ki-moon said there is only one flag that belongs to everyone – the blue flag of the United Nations.
“National flags are a mark of pride and patriotism in every country around the world. But there is only one flag that belongs to all of us,” Mr. Ban said in a message. “That blue flag of the United Nations was a banner of hope for me growing up in wartime Korea.”
The UN chief underlined that seven decades after its founding, the United Nations remains “a beacon for all humanity.”
“Every day, the United Nations feeds the hungry and shelters those driven from their homes,” he declared in his message on the Day.
今回は“beacon”を取り上げます。LDOCEによると“a person ,idea etc that guides or encourages you”とあり、『ジーニアス英和辞典(大修館書店)』で確認すると「指針となるもの」とありました。この旗のマークはそれぞれの国の自尊心と愛国心を表しており、70年の重みが感じられます。ちなみに授業でもありましたが,キング牧師は有名な演説 I have a dreamの中で,"a beacon light of hope"という言い回しを使っていました。