stand-off 復習
沖縄普天間基地移設問題に関する記事です。記事には,移設問題の経緯が書かれております。記事の中で気になった表現は"stand off"です。『Wisdom英和辞典第三版』(三省堂)によると「にらみあい,膠着状態」などという意味がありました。(Ume)
Japan's Okinawa governor revokes permit for US base move
The governor of Japan's southern Okinawa prefecture has revoked a permit allowing the controversial move of a US military base.
The permit, given by his predecessor, allowed a coastal area to be reclaimed for the Futenma airbase relocation.
But a central government spokesman said there is "no change" in plans to proceed.
Tokyo has been engaged in a long-running stand-off with local authorities on the issue.
The government wants to move the Futenma airbase, which is in a densely populated area, to a more remote area of Okinawa on reclaimed land.
Japan's public broadcaster NHK reported that the regional bureau of the defence ministry is expected to file a legal challenge against Gov Takeshi Onaga's decision.