TOKYO (Kyodo) -- Prime Minister Shinzo Abe retained key Cabinet members in a reshuffle Wednesday in a move to maintain stability in economic management and diplomacy as he leads his ruling coalition into a House of Councillors election next summer.
Deputy Chief Cabinet Secretary Katsunobu Kato was appointed to a newly created post aiming for betterment of society, to attain Abe's goal of "achieving a society in which all 100 million people in the nation can play active roles." The post is designed to coordinate policies to tackle structural issues such as falling birthrates and caring for the elderly.
今回は、安倍首相が新たに掲げた「一億人総活躍社会」を英語でどう表現するのか、気になり、それについて取り上げさせて頂きます。日経では“achieving a society in which all 100 million people in the nation can play active roles”となっていました。また,他の箇所では、“all 100 million members of society remain active”と訳されていました。いずれも頭の痛くなりそうな説明訳です。