fore and aft
今回採り上げるのはfore and aft。foreは「船[機]首に, 船首の方へ」を指し,対義語であるaftは「船尾 (の近く)へ[で]」を意味する副詞です。語義からもこれらの単語が「船」に由来するものであることが想像できます。よってfore and aftで「船の前後に, 船首から船尾まで」という意味になります(『プログレッシブ英和中辞典』小学館)。
ちなみにmidrow chairsは「2列目シート」のこと。以上から「2列目シートが前後に動く」と解釈できます。(Koyamamoto)
Video Review: Toyota Highlander Hybrid Offers Room and Fuel Economy
A long weekend will tell you something about a vehicle. Thorough assessment requires adding a bunch of teenage boys and their athletic gear, carting everything 500 miles and amassing a landfill’s worth of fast-food wrappers. To get my son and his two friends from Seattle to an Ultimate Frisbee tournament in Corvallis, Ore., I took Toyota’s Highlander Hybrid.
….All Highlanders get a good-looking interior, at least in Limited trim. The center console swallows a 15-inch laptop, and the long shelf in the dash is a handy place for necessities (which can make the space look cluttered). Midrow chairs slide fore and aft to show those in back a little love with more legroom. That third row is mounted low to the floor, so passengers’ knees are up high. Adults will avoid those seats on long trips.
The Highlander is quiet, comfortable and, to my eye, the best-looking vehicle Toyota produces. Its hybrid system more than lives up to its claims. If only its efficiency was more affordable.®ion=bottom-well&WT.nav=bottom-well&_r=0