Preparation is Suzuki’s byword. His daily routines are legendary around baseball, from his stretching to his batting practice to his banter. When pitchers are shagging fly balls in the outfield during batting practice, Ichiro playfully yells at them to move back and give him room, sprinkling in some salty language in both English and Spanish.
bywordをMED2で調べますと、“if someone or something is a byword for a particular quality, they have a strong reputation for that quality”とありました。この定義を日本語でぴたりと言い換えるなら、「代名詞」という表現がぴたりと来ます。イチロー試合中に行うさまざまな「儀式」はもうファンの間では当たり前となり、それがアメリカに浸透していると伝えています。(Kawada)