zodiac sign 復習
With the lowering of the voting age to 18, discussions are taking place within the Liberal Democratic Party about lowering the legal age for drinking and smoking to 18 as well.
However, underage drinking and smoking have shown no signs of ceasing even under the current law, which prohibits these activities until the age of 20. Some fear that the problem would spread to even younger people if the legal drinking and smoking age was lowered to 18.
Food and drink establishments have difficulty verifying customers’ ages. Marche Co. in Osaka, which operates the Hakkenden chain of izakaya pubs, instructs its employees to ask not only about age but also the zodiac sign of customers who look underage.
“zodiac sign”を取り上げます。『ジーニアス英和辞典第4版(大修館書店) 』で、zodiacを調べてみると、「黄道帯」「十二宮図」と馴染みのない言葉で書かれていました。西洋の星占いで使われる太陽の通り道にあたる星座のことだそうです。しかし記事では12星座ではなく、干支の意味で使われています。調べてみると、干支は12星座と区別する場合に、Chinese zodiacとも表現されるそうです。